KJK Legal have represented many of South Australia’s largest not-for-profit organisations in this sector.
We are keenly attuned to ensuring not-for-profit organisations obtain value for money, and cost effective outcomes, where budget constraints and the wise use of donor and government money, as well as the fees paid by residents and other clients of those organisations, are paramount to the sector.
As an example, KJK Legal previously represented an aged care organisation in relation to the recovery of workers compensation premiums they had been paying for many years. Through a detailed analysis of the matter, and presentation of the basis for a claim for reimbursement of the premiums paid, KJK Legal achieved an outcome of in excess of $500,000 on behalf of the organisation concerned, and without resort to litigation.
Organisations that we act for include:
- Anglicare SA
- Helping Hand Aged Care Inc
- Kalyra Communities
- Lutheran Homes Group Incorporated.