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June 2024 Newsletter and Cases Update

In this edition we highlight some important conferences, update readers on recent events and happenings at KJK Legal, keep readers informed on important employment issues, and some recent decisions from the SA Employment Tribunal.

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March 2024 Newsletter & Cases Update

In this edition we update readers on recent events and happenings at KJK Legal, keep readers informed on important employment and industrial issues, and some recent decisions from the SA Employment Tribunal.

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December 2023 Newsletter & Cases Update

In this edition, we summarise some of the major events we have been involved in this year and bring you up to date with some significant changes in various workplace laws.

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June 2023 Newsletter & Cases Update

In this issue, we summarise some of the recent and pending changes affecting workplaces under the Fair Work Act, take a deep dive into some recent cases under Section 18 of the Return to Work Act, and also comment of some interesting legal decisions the Courts have been making so far this year.

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January 2023 Special Case Update

For those of you who have been following our Case Updates over the last 12 or so months, you will be familiar with the matter of Department for Child Protection v Morris.

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December 2022 Cases Update

In our December update we’re giving you the heads up on our next webinar/seminar scheduled for February 2023, provide a snippet on the various events we have spoken at or attended during 2022, and congratulate Suzana Jovanovic for her promotion to Senior Associate! The Update also covers recent cases of interest from the SAET and cases bound for the Court of Appeal.

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June 2022 Cases Update

In our June update we congratulate Neville John for a WHS Doyle’s award for 2022, as well as congratulate Matilda Wise for her promotion to solicitor! The case update covers the most topical SAET and Supreme Court cases from the last quarter. We also discuss a recent Fair Work decision.

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March 2022 Cases Update

This case update is jammed packed with a summary of some of the most interesting and important cases handed down in the first quarter of 2022. We also discuss some recent Supreme Court decisions.

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December 2021 Cases Update

Our December update contains a summary of some of the last cases handed down for 2021 and a few more cases of interest chucked in for good measure.

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October 2021 Cases Update

Our October update is one of celebration – with KJK Legal turning 10 this month! You’ll see some smiling faces from our celebration evening, as well as details of our upcoming November webinar on topical issues, and the run down of relevant SAET cases.

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